Data Analytics Challenge

universidad-de-aveiro; universidad-de-la-sabana

Lider de Proyecto: Valentina Chkoniya

Pais de Residencia: No Definido

Universidad: Universidad de Aveiro


The main objective is to exchange of cultural experience, compare and design improvements to digital marketing for brands in Colombia and in Portugal. Scope of the collaboration: • Identify the ways in which the local brands digital marketing and data analytics strategy is similar in different parts of the world. • Identify the Google Analytics use by brands in Colombia and in Portugal • To identify global and local tendencies regarding Data Analytics. • Analyze, compare and propose improvements on a brand strategy based on Data Analytics.

Duración del proyecto: 12 Semanas

Materia de Desarrollo:

Nivel de Estudio: pregrado

Número de Participantes:31

Idioma de Colaboración: Inglés