Eating Local, Eating Healthy

universidad-de-aveiro; universida-de-colima

Lider de Proyecto: Yunuen Soto

Pais de Residencia: No Definido

Universidad: Universidad de Colima


This project proposed to students of both universities to design improvements in local food distribution channels, focused on the needs of a local client in Colima. This project developed activities between the courses on force and distribution of sales (Aveiro) and integrated workshop (Colima), so that the students could identify the ways in which the local movement of healthy foods is similar in different parts of the world, global and local trends and with respect to fresh food movements and Analyze and propose distribution channel strategies.

Duración del proyecto: 8 Semanas

Materia de Desarrollo:

Nivel de Estudio: pregrado

Número de Participantes:49

Idioma de Colaboración: Inglés